Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Chiles Rellenos, Seitan Fajitas

Dinner 5/22

Chiles Rellenos
(poblano peppers stuffed with tempeh, onion, garlic and soyrizo)

Seitan Fajitas
(onions, red bell pepper, fyh cheddar soy cheese and seitan with cumin, chile powder, garlic salt, smoked paprika, red flake pepper and black pepper)

I've been craving spicy food this week, and the seitan fajitas fit the bill nicely -- smoky, gooey, stuff-yr-face-hey-is-there-any-left? kind of good

We did a little twist with the rellenos tonight, using tempeh (cubed, stir-fried with smoked paprika and cumin) and soyrizo as the filling -- but that the joy of this dish, you can fill the roasted poblano with almost anything, and it's still going to be awesome ;)

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